Week 3

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great week! I’ll get right into what I’ve been up to this past week.
First, I’ll remind you of the main goal I’m working towards right now: developing a qPCR assay to distinguish between VJ-lambda rearranged and non-VJ-lambda rearranged plasma cells. To do this, I’ll have to design many small pieces of DNA called primers that match sequences slightly upstream of V regions and slightly downstream of J regions. Now, there are only ~70 functional V regions and 4 functional J regions, so it wouldn’t be impossible to design a single primer for each. But any reaction using that many primers would be both expensive and very inaccurate, because performing PCR with that many primers would almost certainly produce too many off-target amplicons (pieces of DNA amplified by PCR) to be an effective test for identifying VJ rearrangements.

For the next few weeks, my goal will be minimizing the number of primers I’ll need to use for my assay. I started by searching through all the published work I could find about using PCR to amplify VJ rearrangements. Unfortunately, however, the most recent list of VJ-lambda primers I found dated back to 1996—still nearly a decade before the entire human genome was sequenced! Since then, many new V regions have been discovered, and newer sequencing data has allowed for the correction of prior errors in V and J reference sequences. These factors mean I can’t necessarily trust those primers to be perfectly accurate, so I’ve decided to try designing my own primers instead.

As I mentioned last week, I’ve started with trying to amplify a known VJ rearrangement in a single cell line (a collection of genetically identical plasma cells derived from a patient). By searching through a database of previously sequenced cell lines used in our lab, we found one whose VJ rearrangement was already known. The primer design process for a single cell line was surprisingly simple, consisting only of inputting the known VJ rearrangement sequence into an online program called Primer3Plus (see below).

Although the design process was simple, the primers didn’t work exactly as intended. The first few PCR reactions that I tried appeared to produce absolutely nothing. This week, however, I was finally able to get the amplicon I expected after optimizing the temperature and template DNA concentrations for my PCR reaction (see image below).

This image shows the results of a gel electrophoresis run for the visualization of PCR product. Each bright band on the gel represents many similarly-sized pieces of DNA. Through separating these pieces of DNA by length (larger amplicons are closer to the wells at the top, while smaller amplicons travel further down the gel), we can determine the product of our PCR along with whether that product is what we expected.

This reaction was an attempt to find the optimal temperature for the cell-line specific primer pair I designed. The blue arrow represents the length of the primer pair’s expected amplicon, and the very bright bands visible in the last two wells mean the primer pair successfully amplified the VJ rearrangement in this cell line.

Unfortunately, that’s only part of the puzzle. My final qPCR assay must amplify only the VJ rearrangement region to be accurate. All the bands underneath the expected amplicon band mean that the qPCR reaction with those primers amplified several sequences other than what we expected—which is no good for a qPCR assay. 

This cell-line specific primer design was meant to be a kind of small-scale trial run for the larger qPCR assay I’ll be designing. And although I didn’t get the cleanest of results from this experiment, I’ve become much more familiar with designing and modifying PCR reaction conditions. Starting next week, I’ll be moving straight into designing primers to amplify all VJ rearrangements.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hey Grady! That's so cool you did gel-electrophoresis. I remember we all did a gel-electrophoresis lab with Mr. Nishan in AP Bio. How much of that helped you in terms of knowing what to do and look for this time around for your own research? And as always, keep up the great work! :)

    1. I think everything I've learned in class or through textbooks has definitely been extremely helpful in allowing me to understand what I'm doing. It is definitely just as important to know the actual protocols, though.

  2. Hi Grady! This all sounds very fancy, congratulations. You've mentioned before the relevance of your research, and since from what I understand it is important, why do you think you had difficulty finding recent research to help out in finding the primers (if I used that term right)?

    1. From what I can tell, there are basically two reasons I can't find the primers I want in recent research. First, most researchers focus their attention on VJ rearrangement in other parts of the antibody--the heavy chain, IGH, and the other light chain, kappa or IGK. Second, the basic idea of what I'm doing isn't really all that novel. Most work on VJ rearrangements was done twenty years ago, and nobody has really recently published anything about lambda VJ rearrangements specifically.

  3. So how will distinguishing between VJ-lambda rearranged and non-VJ-rearranged plasma cells help you with regard to multiple myeloma? Also, I understand that you will eventually be using CRISPR in the lab. How long until this happens? Keep up the good work!

  4. Hey, great to see some more progress on this. However, aren't there a large amount of VJ-lambda primers? Or are there just enough for you guys to be able to sort through them?

  5. Hey Grady, glad to see you are making progress in your research. It's clear to me you are very intrigued with you research and are excited to progress! Good luck on the research.

  6. Hay Gredy, I'm still amazed that we've developed the technology to (somewhat) easily isolate any DNA sequence from an entire genome! Can you tell me more about the cell lines you have? How many different lines are there, and how varied are they? Have a great week!

    1. I'm actually working with only 2 cell lines right now, called XG2 and MOLP2. I believe they were both derived from patients a long time ago. They are both myeloma cell lines, but they have lots of weird translocations, inversions, duplications, and other karyotypic abnormalities. The one thing I do know about both of them is that they're both VJ-lambda rearranged. We don't actually have the full sequence of either cell line because full-genome sequencing is still pretty costly. Instead, we have a list of structural variations like the deletions involved in VJ rearrangement that we obtained through a form of next-generation sequencing called mate pair sequencing.

  7. Hi Grady! We have just learnt about gel electrophoresis in Honors Biology. It is so cool to be able to connect what we learn in class to your project! Good luck on the rest of your project!

    1. I definitely know exactly what you mean. It's always amazing when you get to actually apply something you've learned!

  8. Hi Grady! I'm glad to see that the target amplicon showed up in the gel electrophoresis. (The first time I did a gel electrophoresis, I punctured the well when I tried to pipette the sample through, so that didn't really work out.) Will designing primers for all the sequences require you to input all of the VJ rearrangement sequences into the program or is there a faster way to do it? I look forward to next week's update!

    1. It's actually a pretty useful and versatile program that can take a text file of aligned sequences (so all the VJ sequences at once). That being said, it wasn't overly well-documented by the programmers, so getting it set up on my computer was really difficult.

      I used to do the the same thing when I started loading gels! It can definitely be frustrating. I find that it's much easier to see where the wells are when I put something dark underneath the tank.

  9. Hi Grady. It's amazing to see the things we learn in class come to life. In class the electophoresis were much easier to read. Do you ever find struggles reading the results?

    1. Unfortunately, gels are pretty rarely as clean as they are in textbooks. Luckily, though, it doesn't actually matter all that much whether the bands are perfectly nice and clear for what I'm doing. As long as it's running evenly (which it is, so far) it's easy to determine the length of each fragment within approximately 100 to 50 base pairs in length, which is enough for me to know whether I generated the correct product or not.

  10. Hey Grady! How will distinguishing between VJ-lambda rearranged and non-VJ rearranged lambda help you with multiple myeloma? I'm happy to see that your project is progressing nicely. Keep up the good work.

    1. Excellent question Grayson! Previous research has found a few kinds of VJ-kappa (kappa is the other antibody light chain besides lambda) rearrangements to be over/underrepresented in myeloma cases, and that research has helped us understand how myeloma originates. Nobody has really done the same thing yet for VJ-lambda rearranged cells, so we hope to identify some new variations through this research.

  11. Hey Grady! It seems that for each step of the process, there is a new obstacle to overcome. I'm glad to see that nothing has slowed you down in your pursuit of a way to amplify only the VJ arrangement region. I suppose this is a stupid question, but how long does each trial of gel electrophoresis take? Does the amount of time a trial takes cause any difficulty with your research? I can't wait to see what comes next.

    1. Actually that's a great question! The total time of a PCR + gel electrophoresis can vary a little bit based on what kind of reaction I'm doing, but it's usually around 2.5 hours (plus maybe 30 minutes for setting up the initial reaction). And including the time it takes for me to evaluate the results of the last gel, I can usually run one PCR+gel before lunch and one after. It's not the fastest process, but it doesn't hinder how much I can do too severely.

  12. Hello Grady! It looks as if things get harder as you keep delving into research, but it's nice to see that it only serves to amplify the new things you learn from the experience. How many more variables do you think you'll need to change before you get the results you need? I'm looking forward to seeing more!

    1. It's really hard to tell how much optimization I'll need. I've already started by messing around with temperatures at various temperatures during the PCR phase, but there's still so much I need to look at. I need to vary template DNA concentration, primer concentration, different combinations of primers, and I'll probably even need to order new primers pretty soon.

  13. Hey Grady, it looks like your project is getting into some pretty complicated biology. I looked up VJ Cells to see what they were and "B cells" came up instead. Are they related or totally different?

    1. You're exactly right! Plasma cells are a kind of B cell, and VJ rearrangement is one of the processes that allows B cells to produce antibodies and mature into plasma cells (the kinds I'm studying right now).
